Die 19. AALE-Konferenz bietet ein vielfältiges Programm, das Sie direkt im Conftool (Link) ansehen können. Nutzen Sie dort auch die Möglickeit Ihren Tagungsbesuch mit der Funktion “Meine Agenda” zu planen.
Die Broschüre mit der Programmübersicht finden Sie hier: AALE_2023_Programm-Broschure
Den digitalen Tagungsband zur AALE 2023 – Konferenz finden Sie hier:
Donnerstag 9. März 2023: 9h30 – 10h15 Plenarsaal
Sasha Baillie 
CEO of Luxinnovation, Luxembourg‘s national innovation agency
Nachhaltige industrielle Entwicklung durch digitale Transformation und Forschungskooperation
Sasha Baillie heads Luxembourg’s national innovation agency. As a former Luxembourg diplomat, she was previously seconded to the Ministry of Economy as deputy chief of staff and diplomatic adviser to the Minister. She managed the reform of Luxembourg’s economic promotion structures which led to the creation of the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Board. Sasha chaired the country’s Trade and Investment Steering Committee.
Sasha also co-founded and chaired Luxembourg’s nation branding committee, an interministerial and inter-institutional group set up by the Government in 2014 to develop and promote the image of the country around the world.
As an aide to the Deputy Prime Minister with ministerial portfolios that included both economy and defense, Sasha was in charge of the project to create a joint venture between the Luxembourg Government and the global satellite operator SES to acquire, launch and operate a government and defense satellite. She served as Chair of the Board of this company, LuxGovSat S.A.
Sasha Baillie joined the Foreign Ministry in 1997 and has served on foreign diplomatic postings in Moscow as deputy head of mission of the Luxembourg Embassy and in Brussels as deputy head of mission of the Luxembourg Representation to the EU Political and Security committee, which involved chairing EU meetings during the Luxembourg EU Presidency in 2005. Native English and Luxembourgish, also fluent in French and German and speaks Russian, Spanish and Italian. Graduated from St Andrews University, Scotland with a Masters degree in international relations and mediaeval history in 1994, and went on to pursue doctoral studies at the European University Institute in Florence before joining the Luxembourg diplomatic service in 1997.
https://www.luxinnovation.lu/ https://www.dih.lu/de-lu
Donnerstag 9. März 2023: 15h15 – 16h00 Plenarsaal
Raphaël Frank 
Professor in Computer Science, Head of 360Lab and Member of the Technology Transfer Office at SnT
Autonomes Fahren in Luxemburg und in der Großregion
In diesem Vortrag werde ich verschiedene Forschungsprojekte erwähnen, die sich mit vernetztem und autonomem Fahren in Luxemburg und der Großregion befassen. Ich werde zunächst unsere Forschungsplattform beschreiben, gefolgt von Ergebnissen der jüngsten Forschungsprojekte.
Raphaël Frank is a Professor / Senior Research Scientist and Entrepreneur at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg and member of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO). He is the founder and head of the 360Lab, the first thematic research laboratory at SnT, focusing on smart mobility. He was Adjunct Professor at Sacred Heart University Luxembourg until June 2022.
Raphael received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Luxembourg in 2010. During his Ph.D. studies, he was a visiting scholar at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) where he conducted research on data routing protocols for vehicular networks. In 2006, he received his Master Degree in Cryptography and Network Security from the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France.
At the end of 2014 he co-founded Motion-S telematics, the first tech Spin-Off company of the University of Luxembourg. The company offers telematics solutions for usage-based insurance and fleet management.
– Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
– Machine Learning
– Automated and Connected Vehicles
– Sensing Systems
– Data Analytics
Vorabendtreffen am Mittwoch 8. März 2023
Das Vorabendtreffen der AALE 2023 findet im Restaurant “Um Quai” im historischen Hauptbahnhof Luxemburg statt.
Galaabend am Donnerstag 9. März 2023
Der Galaabend der AALE 2023 findet im Gewölbekeller der Winzergenossenschaft Vinsmoselle in L-5481 Wormeldange, 115, route du Vin statt.
Ab Forum Geeseknäppchen und den empfohlenen Hotels werden Reisebusse die Teilnehmer zum Galaabend hin- und zurückbringen.
Das Essen wird von einer kommentierten Wein- und Crémantverköstigung begleitet, es werden auch nichtalkoholische Weine angeboten.
Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit des Weinkaufes in der Winzergenossenschaft.